48.ª Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires

Hasta el 13 de mayo


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Postponement of the 46th Buenos Aires International Book Fair

According to the events produced by the COVID-19 outbreak, confirmed as pandemic by World Health Organization (WHO),  and considering that Argentine National Government and in its frame Buenos Aires City Government decided to follow severely WHO´s recommendations in which among others include the cancellation of crowded activities such as those organized by Fundación El Libro (FEL), organizer of  Buenos Aires International Book Fair. Our institution informs that due to this force majeure and according to legal dispositions, we must postpone our annual traditional event which would begin on April 21 and, among many programmed activities, Book Professional Meeting which were due to start on April 28 and the opening to general public that would take place on April 30.  

Fundación El Libro is completely aware of its responsibility such as the fulfillment of the Book Fair that already holds on 45 editions, but is especially concerned towards social carefulness and considers that authorities´ decisions are truly pertinent. Therefore, from now on FEL will focus on the solution of the many items derived by this unexpected circumstance.

With the conviction of counting on the support of all those involved in our Book Fair as well as local society and foreigners related, we do hope that this terrible situation will be very soon overcome.